are you getting married this year if so read this article

The Idiots Guide To Getting married this Year


Did you know that getting married is the second most expensive purchase the first is a mortgage! So at UK Greeting Cards we know that trying to organize a wedding can be a real headache but if you are organised it can be beautiful trip of romance and love.

So first thing is get a wedding planner book its invaluable to you as you can keep track on the progress of your special wedding.

The next thing is budget did you know the average wedding costs a staggering £10,000 to 20,000 so you really need to monitor your expenditure so you do not go over your budget!!!  

Next thing is the wedding venue i.e. the Church or registry office you really need to book this in well advance of your wedding day almost a year in advance as they get booked up so quickly.

Now you need to book the reception this is where it can really starting costing a lot of your hard earned cash or your parents cash if they are paying for it!!! Specially if you are having day and evening bash i.e. food drink entertainment and so on.

Now you need to order your wedding gear i.e. wedding dress for the bride and suits for the groom and not forgetting bridesmaids and page boys and not forgetting the best man!!!

So as you can see there is a lot to think about when you say o let’s get married!! O yes this is where we can help you a little bit with your wedding invitations wedding day cards here at UK Greeting Cards.Co.UK we have huge selections of all types of wedding stationery to help to make your wedding day be a bit special.